Bounds tagged with "puzzle"

Professorin salaisuus
by Room Escape Running Rabbit
Professorin Salaisuus on hybridi pakopeli, jota pelataan ilman pelinvetäjää mobiililaitetta käyttäen!
- Huoneessa on kiellettyä irrottaa pelielementtejä tai sähköjohtoja paikoiltaan!
- Huoneessa valokuvaaminen on ehdottomasti kiellettyä!
Pulmatilanteessa ota yhteyttä valvovaan pelinjohtajaamme Hannaan +358 413635924
escape, mystery, puzzle

Viikinkien aarre
by Room Escape Running Rabbit
Viikinkien aarre on hybridi pakopeli, jota pelataan ilman pelinvetäjää mobiililaitetta käyttäen!
- Huoneessa on kiellettyä irrottaa pelielementtejä tai sähköjohtoja paikoiltaan!
- Huoneessa valokuvaaminen on ehdottomasti kiellettyä!
Pulmatilanteessa ota yhteyttä valvovaan pelinjohtajaamme Hannaan +358 413635924
escaperoom, mystery, puzzle, game

A heart or just a black hole?
by ActionboundOfficial
Solve the puzzle to stop the doomsday machine! ------ An escape game for two players. Each player has to start the Bound on their own smartphone or tablet for the game to work.
Escape Game, example bound, short bound, puzzle, cooperative

Puzzling Duck Hunt 2024
by Puzzlement
A fun adventure where you compete to find locations, solve puzzles, and overcome challenges.
Oh! and find ducks!
From a starting location, you will receive instructions and any last minute information.
Then you set off to visiting as many puzzle sites as you can (which will require a fair amount of walking) before the finish deadline.
Points are earned for reaching a site, for solving the puzzles and for finding ducks.
Some sites have more than one puzzle.
Some puzzles are more difficult to...
duck hunt, puzzle hunt, newcastle, co down, puzzlement

A heart or just a black hole?
by Richi
Solve the puzzle to stop the doomsday machine! ------ An escape game for two players. Each player has to start the Bound on their own smartphone or tablet for the game to work.
Escape Game, example bound, short bound, puzzle, cooperative

Jäljillä Helsinki
by Room Escape Running Rabbit
Rikosmysteeri aivopähkinöillä.
mystery, escaperoom, puzzle, murder, detective